Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Week # 3 Word Catheter

I'm so sorry about my absence for all this time. I've been spending this time recuperating from the procedure. But, guess what?! Tomorrow, I go in to have this Word Catheter removed. Apparently, it's been in for the full period without giving me any problems. I am so excited, because I know that this means that I have significantly lower chance of having a reocurrrence.

So what more is there to say? I'm feeling pretty optimistic about my doctor's apointment...daresay I that I'm even looking forward to seeing the good doctor for what I hope will be the last time. Of course, I'm still planning on sending my caustic letter to her informing her about the tortuous pain that I experienced at her squeezing fingers.

Wish me luck as I go in tomorrow. There's no way that the removal could hurt more than the insertion....right?


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