Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Week#4 Word Catheter

Ok, so I thought that I was looking forward to having the Word Catheter removed. I read online that many of the journals recommend that women keep the catheters in between 4-6 weeks. Of course, I was only at the three week mark and I thought to myself that it would be better not to have it taken out.

I went in to see the doctor and she greeted me and said let's get ready to take this out. She examined me and saw that there is no swelling. I informed her that based on previous scientific research it would be best if it stayed in for an additional week or so. Her reply was yeah, ok, that's true. "Since you feel comfortable with it, let's keep it in for longer". Ok, now, let me just say this. Why is it that she didn't initially tell me that it was better to keep it in longer. Had I not said anything once again she would have gone ahead and taken it out. These doctors are so freakin' incompetent!!!

So yeah, I am still going strong with the Word Catheter in. I hope that it will be gone soon. I know I was hoping and praying that it would stay least at the beginning of this. Now I'm wanting it to come out because I'm tired of it! I say that and at the same time, I know that it'll pay off in the long run, so it's worth it...


Blogger Mel said...

I have a word catheter in right now and i'm 6 months pregnant. I had a successful word catheter on the other side 5 years ago. I never took anything for pain being that i'm pregnant, it's completely unnecessary as it doesn't hurt. Although last time I took the codeine because it was given to me and i believed I'd need it. I have always been suspicious of pain medication and this confirms it. It's most definitely a last last last resort for me personally.

I'm writing because you seem upset with your doctor for cleaning out your gland properly and you're blaming the pain and discomfort on her. It's necessary to avoid infection and reoccurrence.

Also, last time I had the catheter for 13 days and it was successful. I don't believe 3-6 Weeks is necessary either. If your doctor suggested 3 Weeks and examined you, I believe you world have been fine taking it out. I bet they left it in to appease you. I don't take internet medical advice as 100% valid. Each person and situation is unique.

I think way more credit is due to your doctor.

2:41 PM  

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